【Modern Art (Art Essentials)】
《Art Essentials系列:現代藝術》
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/176頁/開本13.8 x 21.6 cm
@作者:Amy Dempsey
Amy Dempsey透過本書為我們定義西方現代藝術的 68 個基本組別,並詳列其特色、關鍵藝術家和作品……
Contents List
Introduction • 1. Rise of the Avant-Gardes 1860–1900 • 2. Modernisms for a Modern World 1900–18 • 3. Search for a New Order 1918–45 • 4. A New Disorder 1945–65 • 5. Beyond the Avant-Gardes 1965–today
Amy Dempsey unravels the all-too-often daunting language of modern art by mapping the styles, schools and movements that help us understand modern and contemporary art, from Impressionism in the 19th century to Destination Art in the 21st. Using a practical and easy-to-navigate structure, Dempsey’s lucid writing and carefully selected artworks define sixty-eight essential groupings in western modern art. Each feature presents a succinct explanation, characteristic works and a relevant list of key artists, attributes, media and collections. A reference section provides an indispensable glossary of modern art terms and an index of artists.