【William Morris (Victoria and Albert Museum)】
《威廉‧莫里斯 逝世125週年紀念專書》
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩精裝/432頁/開本23.5 x 28.0 cm
@作者:Anna Mason, Fiona MacCarthy, Peter Faulkner, Charles Harvey and Jon Press, Nicholas Salmon, Chris Miele, Tristram Hunt, Karen Livingstone, Julia Griffin, Martin Harrison, Linda Parry, Frances Collard, Jennifer Hawkins Opie, Lesley Hoskins, John Nash
★維多利亞與亞伯特博物館(Victoria and Albert Museum)聯合編製
作為「美術工藝運動」(Arts & Crafts Movement)的先驅,威廉‧莫里斯是有史以來最有影響力的設計師之一,他扭轉了維多利亞時代的設計潮流,反對日益工業化的製造過程,重新發現對製造商技能的尊重──這種態度至今仍然引起共鳴,他的設計很受歡迎、很受推崇。
William Morris’s interests were wide-ranging: he was a poet, writer, political and social activist, conservationist and businessman, as well as a brilliant and original designer and manufacturer. This book explores the balance between Morris’s various spheres of activity and influence, places his art in the context of its time and explores his ongoing and far-reaching legacy.
A pioneer of the Arts & Crafts Movement, William Morris (1834–1896) is one of the most influential designers of all time. Morris turned the tide of Victorian England against an increasingly industrialized manufacturing process towards a rediscovered respect for the skill of the maker. Morris’s whole approach still resonates today, and his designs are popular and much admired.
Published to mark the 125th anniversary of Morris’s death, this book includes contributions from a wide range of Morris experts, with chapters on painting, church decoration and stained glass, interior decoration, furniture, tiles and tableware, wallpaper, textiles, calligraphy and publishing. Additional materials include a contextualized chronology of Morris’s life and a list of public collections around the world where examples of Morris’s work may be seen today. This study is a comprehensive, fully illustrated exploration of a great thinker and artist, and essential reading for anyone interested in the history of design.