【Versace Catwalk The Complete Collections】
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩精裝/ 632頁/開本19.0 x 27.7 cm
@作者:Tim Blanks
★「在這本書中,你將會找到了凡賽斯的靈魂;我非常驕傲能夠跟全世界分享!」──唐娜特拉‧凡賽斯(Donatella Versace)
這個家族經營的時裝品牌由吉安尼‧凡賽斯(Gianni Versace)於1978年創立,現已發展成為舉世聞名的高貴奢華象徵。1997年吉安尼英年早逝後,他的妹妹唐娜特拉‧凡賽斯(Donatella Versace)出任藝術總監,帶領品牌邁入21世紀,鞏固了凡賽斯在新一代粉絲中的傳奇地位。
本書包含Tim Blanks撰寫的品牌介紹、設計師傳記以及一系列文本,提供了一個難得的機會來描繪這個大膽華麗的時裝品牌的發展。
【Contents List】
GIANNI VERSACE: A Short Biography
1979-2020 S/S & A/W Collections; 2021 S/S Collection
“In this book, you find the soul of Versace. I could not be any more proud to share it with the world”──Donatella Versace
Founded by Gianni Versace in 1978, the family-run fashion house grew into a powerful symbol of high glamour and luxury known across the world. After Gianni Versace’s untimely death in 1997, his sister Donatella became the artistic director, steering the brand into the 21st century and cementing its legendary status for new generations of fans.
Complete with an introduction, designer biographies and collection texts by Tim Blanks, Versace Catwalk offers a rare opportunity to chart the development of a daringly flamboyant fashion house.