【LAMBORGHINI with Italy, for Italy: 21 views For a New Drive】
@全彩精裝/ 248頁/開本24.0 x 28.0 cm
@作者:by Davide Rampello (Introduction), Stefano Guindani (Introduction), Adam Victor (Translator), Anna Di Prospero (Contributor), Marcello Francone (Contributor)
本書不僅是一部偉大的攝影作品,而且具有重大的文化和社會意義。藍寶堅尼是世界上最負盛名的義大利品牌之一,本書超越傳統邏輯,邀請20 位義大利當代攝影天才,在20個地區拍攝20種藍寶堅尼的經典車款…
"With ltaly, for ltaly" is not only a great photographic volume, but a an initiative of great cultural and social importance, with which Lamborghini, one of the most prestigious Italian brands in the world, decides to go beyond traditional logics to take on a social role and actively contribute to enhancing the value of its country in a period of global challenges and pains. Twenty Italian talents of contemporary photography have been called to collaborate in this project, many established, but also some emerging, each capable of interpreting one of the twenty regions together with twenty Lamborghinis of the past and resentaccording to their own authorial style. These artists were joined by the great photographer Letizia Battaglia, to whom was entrusted with a special interpretation of her beloved Palermo.
The result is a journey conceived as an act of love of the company towards its country, Italy, translated into a fresco of 21 visions capable of exalting a unique identity heritage, imbued with art, history, natural and architectural beauty, but not only. An Italy that is also a land of traditions, excellence, inspiration, aesthetic research and innovation, characteristics deeply rooted in the DNA of the Toro brand.
A volume that entrusts to the culture and art of photography their highest and deepest value, that of transforming society, through the rupture of previous expressive languages and the ability to imagine and inspire the future.