【PALETTE mini Series 06: Transparent Transparencies in design】
《PALETTE mini系列06:透明感設計》
@全彩平裝/672頁/開本10.6 x 14.8 cm
ALETTE — viction:ary’s best-selling colour-themed series — has been one of the most sought-after references for designers around the world. In keeping up with the needs of digital-savvy creative practitioners today, the PALETTE mini series was launched at the end of 2019. Each mini edition is a redesigned version of its original with flip-friendly postcard-sized pages for convenience and includes new work for fresh inspiration.
By manipulating the sense of absence and presence, transparency is a powerful attribute that can lure viewers into exploring what lies beneath and beyond a surface. Featuring additional projects that play with opacity, transparency, and everything in between in clever ways, PALETTE mini 06: Transparent is a compelling collection of work from around the world that showcases how transparency is being reinterpreted and rejuvenated in design.