【Dinner with Dali (1,000-piece puzzle)】
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@1,000片拼圖/尺寸28.0 x 28.0 cm
@拼圖完成尺寸48.5 x 68 cm
@作者:Iratxe López de Munáin
如果西班牙超現實主義藝術大師達利(Salvador Dalí)邀請賓客上門共進晚餐,誰會是他的座上賓呢?巨型蚱蜢、食蟻獸以及常跟著達利出入各大餐廳和聚會的寵物豹貓巴布(Babou)可不能缺席。放下龍蝦電話,一邊享受拼圖樂趣,一邊感受達利的魔幻世界吧!除了動物客人,我想Paul Éluard、Federico García Lorca、Meret Oppenheim、René Magritte、Joan Miró、André Breton…等等超現主義巨匠也會來共襄盛舉吧……
★ 拼圖外盒標示每位賓客的身份供玩家對照。
★ 拼圖場景以西班牙薩爾瓦多‧達利故居博物館為創作靈感。
★ 蓋子內側標示出現在拼圖內25個關於達利的趣味冷知識。
A giant grasshopper, an anteater and an ocelot named Babou – they’re not your usual dinner guests. Put down your lobster telephone and experience the magic of Salvador Dalí in this 1000-piece puzzle. Join Meret Oppenheim, René Magritte and a kaleidoscope of butterflies as you piece together the artists, artworks and surroundings that bring this surrealist dream to life.
When you’ve done the 1,000-piece puzzle, take a peek inside the lid, where you’ll find 25 interesting facts to discover. For example, did you know that Dalí designed the Chupa Chups logo? Or that he once packed 500kg of cauliflower into a Rolls Royce? Both fun and informative, this puzzle is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of one of history’s most idiosyncratic artists.