【Dinner with Monet】
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@1,000片拼圖/外盒尺寸28.0 x 28.0 cm
@拼圖完成尺寸48.5 x 68 cm
@作者:Iratxe López de Munáin
如果法國印象派代表畫家莫內(Oscar-Claude Monet)邀請賓客上門共進晚餐,誰會是他的座上賓呢?
讓我們來到莫內位於法國吉維尼(Givern)的住所,跟著Berthe Morisot、Edgar Degas、Édouard Manet、Pierre-Auguste Renoir…等等印象派巨擘,一起在色彩強烈的餐廳享用美食!
★ 拼圖外盒標示每位賓客的身分供玩家對照。
★ 蓋子內側標示出現在拼圖內23個關於莫內的趣味冷知識,例如,開啟印象派藝術運動的那幅畫就掛在牆上……
You're invited to Claude Monet's residence in Giverny. Pull up a chair in the iconic yellow dining room and join Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Berthe Morisot, Edgar Degas and other impressionists for a feast of floating water lilies. But steer clear of the kitchen! Monet's wife Alice is not happy about having ex-wife Camille's portraits all over the walls.
Did you know that the painting that inspired the entire impressionist art movement is hanging on the back wall? Or that the poster on the table is from the first Impressionist exhibition that opened in Paris in 1874? Put together this 1000-piece puzzle and then peek inside the lid to discover the meaning behind everything in the artwork. There's 23 interesting facts to discover.