【The Essential Marilyn Monroe: Milton H. Greene: 50 Sessions】
《永遠的瑪麗蓮‧夢露:Milton H. Greene的50組珍藏照片》
@ ACC Art Books原文書
@全彩精裝/368頁/開本25.0 x 25.0 cm
★ 見證瑪麗蓮‧夢露不朽的美麗傳奇
★ 本書收錄夢露在各種不同情境的照片,從游泳池畔到芭蕾舞裝扮
米爾頓‧格林(Milton H. Greene,1922-1985)以其好萊塢黃金時代的時尚攝影和名人肖像而聞名,他在1953年為《Look 雜誌》拍攝照片時遇到了瑪麗蓮‧夢露,兩人立即建立了融洽的關係,很快成為親密的朋友和最終的商業夥伴。1954 年,在幫助夢露擺脫與20世紀福斯的工作室合約後,他們創建了「瑪麗蓮夢露製片公司」,米爾頓和瑪麗蓮不僅僅是商業夥伴,瑪麗蓮成為了格林家族的一員。到 1957 年關係結束時,他們已經製作了兩部故事片,此外還拍攝了5,000多張標誌性的照片。米爾頓和瑪麗蓮的工作關係充滿了魔力。他們對彼此能力的信任和信心在每張照片中都得到了充分展示。格林於1985年去世,他的許多攝影作品正屈服於時間的蹂躪,但他的長子約書亞‧格林(Joshua Greene)開始了精心恢復父親遺產的旅程。作為一名攝影師,約書亞花費數年時間研究如何恢復他父親的照片,並在世界各地編目和推廣米爾頓的大量作品。結果,約書亞成立了「The Archives」,一家致力於修復和保存攝影作品的公司。在花了近兩年時間修復父親的作品後,約書亞和他的公司被廣泛認為是攝影修復領域的領導者之一。
現在,約書亞‧格林與「Iconic Images」 一起呈現本書;憑藉 280 張照片,包括新掃描和修復的經典作品,以及僅在出版物中出現過一次的圖像,米爾頓‧格林的瑪麗蓮夢露檔案終於可以按照 60多年前首次製作這些照片時的原始樣貌出現,展現夢露巔峰時期的驚人美麗。從電影場景到臥室,或在家中和遊戲中,約書亞策劃了對一位偉大攝影師和他最偉大繆斯的作品的持久致敬──淒美而強大,快樂而令人驚嘆……
★This archive immortalises Marilyn Monroe at the height of her beauty and fame
★Photographs of Marilyn in various settings, from swimming pools to ballerina dresses, can finally be viewed as originally intended
★Taken by Milton H. Greene and restored by Greene's son Joshua, these photos document not only Marilyn's ability to light-up on camera but also the effort Joshua dedicated to restoring his father's work
Milton H. Greene (1922-1985), famous for his fashion photography and celebrity portraits from the golden age of Hollywood, met Marilyn Monroe on a photo shoot for Look magazine in 1953. The pair developed an instant rapport, quickly becoming close friends and ultimately business partners. In 1954, after helping her get out of her studio contract with 20th Century Fox, they created Marilyn Monroe Productions, Inc. Milton and Marilyn were much more then business partners, Marilyn became a part of the Greene family. By the time their relationship had ended in 1957, the pair had produced two feature films, in addition to more than 5,000 photographs of the iconic beauty. There was magic in Milton and Marilyn's working relationship. The trust and confidence they had in each other's capabilities was on full display in each photo. Greene passed in 1985, thinking his life's work was succumbing to the ravages of time. His eldest son, Joshua, began a journey to meticulously restore his father's legacy. A photographer himself, Joshua spent years researching ways to restore his father's photographs as well as cataloging and promoting Milton's vast body of work all over the world. As a result, Joshua established "The Archives," a company committed to the restoration and preservation of photography. After spending nearly two decades restoring his father's archive, Joshua Greene and his company are widely regarded as one of the leaders in photographic restoration and have been at the forefront of the digital imaging and large-format printing revolution.
Now Joshua Greene, in conjunction with Iconic Images, presents The Essential Marilyn Monroe: Milton H. Greene, 50 Sessions. With 280 photographs, including newly scanned and restored classics, as well as images that have appeared only once in publication, Greene's Marilyn Monroe archive can finally be viewed as it was originally intended when these pictures were first produced more than 60 years ago. These classic sessions - 50 in all - cover Monroe at the height of her astonishing beauty and meteoric fame. From film-sets to the bedroom, at home and at play, Joshua has curated a lasting tribute to the work of a great photographer and his greatest muse. Poignant and powerful, joyful and stunning - these breathtaking images of an icon stand above all the rest. The Essential Marilyn Monroe: Milton H. Greene, 50 Sessions is sure to be a book that will become the platinum standard in photography monographs.