【 In Perfect Shape: Fritz Hansen】
《Fritz Hansen:完美的家具設計 150週年紀念版》
@ teNeues Books原文書
@全彩精裝/224頁/開本25.0 x 32.0 cm
2022年,設計家具傳奇品牌Fritz Hansen慶祝其成立150週年
如果說斯堪的納維亞設計是時尚室內設計的縮影,那麼Fritz Hansen就是最好的生活方式設計──愛好者和專業人士的完美靈感
1872年成立的丹麥家具品牌公司Fritz Hansen,是北歐家具設計受人敬重的主要原因之一。它在1915年製作出第一批以蒸汽彎曲的木椅之後,便以新式製程開啟家具設計的革命。
當你走進Fritz Hansen總部的展示室,眼前所見的都是在設計史上足以名垂青史的家具:Series 7 chair、 the Swan lounge chair、以及Lissoni sofa和K-22 chair。丹麥現代主義設計師Arne Jacobsen與Poul Kjærholm,義大利建築設計師Piero Lissoni與Fritz Hansen設計公司的緊密合作,精心打造出不僅符合人體工學且造型流利的作品。
Fritz Hanse的活力與核心價值─創意、精緻工藝以及對細節無微不至的關照─使得它的產品廣受知名機構與飯店收藏。本書運用大量照片,訴說這個高級家具品牌的故事,以及它備受尊崇的原因。為什麼單單一件家具就可以美化一個房間或建築物?當你看完這本書,你就會了解這家公司的設計宗旨:「精心打造永恆設計」的內涵。
★In 2022, legendary furniture designer Fritz Hansen will celebrate its 150th anniversary
★To mark the occasion, a completely revised new edition of the successful 2017 book is being released
★This book is exactly what a coffee table book should be, with striking photography, concise writing, and an appealing design
★If Scandinavian design is the epitome of stylish interiors, then Fritz Hansen is lifestyle at its best – the perfect inspiration for design lovers and professionals alike
When you step into the headquarters of Fritz Hansen in Allerød, northwest of Copenhagen, you breathe in the spirit of a company that has made design history. The showroom, a mecca for students of design and architecture, displays pieces that have become icons, including the Series 7 chair, the Swan lounge chair, and the Lissoni sofa.
A recurring theme in the history of the Danish furniture maker is its collaborations with big-name visionary designers like Arne Jacobsen, Poul Kjærholm, and Piero Lissoni. With these influxes of fresh energy and an unwavering commitment to Fritz Hansen’s core values of creativity, the finest craftsmanship, and the utmost attention to even the smallest details, the company has succeeded in placing its products in the collective consciousness of humanity as well as in the offices of the President of the UN General Assembly, the Crown Plaza Hotel in Bangkok, the Banquet Hall of Oxford’s venerable St. Catherine’s College, New York’s Museum of Modern Art, and private homes all over the world.
With over 150 breathtaking photos, this thoughtfully designed coffee table book recounts the history of an exclusive brand, the marvellous pieces of furniture that has made it so revered, and provides examples of how a single piece of furniture can beautify an entire room or building, and fire the imagination of those who live there.
Whether you’re leaving the world of Fritz Hansen in Allerød or closing this book, it will be with a wealth of new creative ideas and the knowledge that before sustainability became a trendy buzzword, Fritz Hansen was already practicing it in its purest sense, true to its motto of “Crafting Timeless Design".