【The Star Trek Book New Edition 】
@全彩精裝/336頁/版面19.8 x 23.4cm
@作者:Paul J. Ruditis
新版《星際爭霸戰》將讀者帶入有史以來最偉大的科幻世界之一,進行獨特、深刻而全面的審視,將星際爭霸戰的每個時代都集中在一本書中,從1960年代開創性的電視劇,到最新的電影和網路節目,包括Star Trek: Beyond, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard 以及 Star Trek: Short Treks……
這本書由《星際爭霸戰》專家撰寫,包含令人驚嘆的電影和電視劇照、富有啟發性的資訊圖表,以及精闢、特別策劃的文章,解開了不斷擴展的「星際爭霸戰宇宙」的奧秘, 從James T. Kirk、Jean-Luc Picard 和 Michael Burnham等新傳奇英雄到Khan、Q 和 Borg等標誌性反派,再到Vulcans、Klingons和Ferengi 等引人入勝的外星物種……
To boldly expand your Star Trek horizons.
Re-engage! The new edition of The Star Trek Book takes readers even further into one of the greatest science fiction universes ever created. This unique, insightful, and comprehensive examination of an enduring, much loved franchise features every era of Star Trek in one volume, from the pioneering 1960s TV series to the latest movies and streaming shows, including Star Trek: Beyond, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Short Treks.
Written by Star Trek experts, this book is packed with stunning film and TV stills, illuminating infographics, and incisive, specially curated essays that unlock the mysteries of the ever-expanding Star Trek Universe. From new and legendary heroes such as James T. Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, and Michael Burnham to iconic villains like Khan, Q, and the Borg, to fascinating alien species like the Vulcans, Klingons, and Ferengi, this book explores the central characters, technology, civilizations, and events that have shaped the complex, epic story of Star Trek.
Resistance is futile. This is the (star) trek of a lifetime you don't want to miss!
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