【Great Novels: The World’s Most Remarkable Fiction Explored and Explained 】
@全彩精裝/256頁/版面24.3 x 28.8 cm
*通過quotations和extended extracts來展現每部小說的風格。
*透過角色地圖character map來展現角色之間的關係。
本書涵蓋所有文學風格,帶您進入全世界開創性小說的篇章,從塞萬提斯遊俠騎士的有趣冒險經歷,到狄更斯的《遠大前程》和福樓拜的《包法利夫人》等經典作品,再到現代小說,例如《燈塔行》(To the Lighthouse) 、《局外人》(The Outsider)、《寵兒》(Beloved)和《狼廳》(Wolf Hall)。
原始手稿、首版和作者的驚人圖像,輔以摘錄和引文,並以插圖則將小說置於其文學和歷史背景中。 對於喜愛書籍的所有年齡層的人來說,本書提供了一個引人入勝的偉大小說概述,介紹小說如何在各個時代發展,並頌揚閱讀的永恒樂趣。
Discover everything you ever wanted to know about the world's greatest novels.
From medieval romances and tales of chivalry found in the realist novels of the 19th century, to experimental modernist works and today's explorations of the self, Great Novels explores the finest novels from around the world and through time.
Tilt at windmills with Don Quixote, experience heartbreak with Tolstoy, discover the society in which Jane Austen lived, and delve into the complex rites of passage experienced by characters in modern novels. Find out what inspired writers to create their masterpieces, what their aims were, and how they set about writing them.
Dive deep into the pages of this inspiring book to discover:
- Paintings, photographs, and artefacts that tell the story of each novel and what inspired their authors
- Superb images of first editions and manuscripts
- The flavour of each novel through quotations and extended extracts
- "Character maps" showing how characters relate to each other
Covering the whole range of literary styles, Great Novels takes you into the pages of the world's seminal novels, ranging from the entertaining adventures of Cervantes' errant knight through to classics such as Great Expectations and Madame Bovary, to modern novels such as To the Lighthouse, The Outsider, Beloved, and Wolf Hall.
Stunning images of the original manuscripts, first editions, and authors are complemented by extracts and quotations, while illustrated features set the novels in their literary and historical context. Essential for people of all ages who love books, Great Novels provides a fascinating overview of how the novel has developed through the ages and celebrates the perennial pleasures of reading.