【More More More: Master of Maximalism Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen 】
@全彩精裝/272頁/版面17.8 x 22.5 cm
@作者:Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen
「Changing Rooms' flamboytan」中那位華麗的主要設計師一直以來都在做自己,他的整個職業生涯都鼓勵人們拋棄淡雅的裝修。本書拒絕所謂的“好品味”,這讓人們對自己的家具有更多的控制,禮讚活力四溢、奢華生活和個性。通過這本書,羅倫斯‧盧埃林-鮑恩不僅解釋如何在家中採用極繁主義設計,還承諾改變您對於在其中快樂生活的看法。
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Let master of Maximalism Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen tell you how to create and curate a space that you can truly love spending time in.
Changing Rooms' flamboytan lead designer has made a great living out of being himself, having spent his entire career encouraging people to reject decorative modesty. More More More is a rejection of so-called "good taste" that leaves people being so in control of their own home that even life feels out of place within it, and instead celebrates exuberance, lavish living, and individuality. It's all about giving yourself the confidence you lack by curating your own perfect haven of chaos, so that you can live and love your stuff - in surroundings that are anything but beige!
With this book, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen will not only explain how to adopt maximalism in the home, but promises to change your outlook on living happily in it. Structured within a complete timeline of maximalism, there's something for everyone to love!
Dive into this decor book to discover a whirlwind of topics, including:
- The Principles of Layering
- Asymmetry - A Tricky Balancing Act
- Using Pattern like a pro
- Storage - to store or not to store
- Collecting vs. Aqcuiring
More More More is overflowing with Laurence's signature style, exuberance and a lifetime's experience in lavish living and take-no-prisoners individuality. Part narrative treatise, part visual celebration of Maximalism through the ages, it is rich in history, anecdotes and quite a few rules, most of which are to be broken!. Having spent his entire career encouraging people to reject decorative modesty, he will not only inform the reader how to embrace Maximalism in their home, but promises to change how they live within it.
Minimalists beware!
A must-have home decor book for Fans of Laurence Llewlyn-Bowen, a new generation of home-owners and renters who want to rebel against the mass-market principles from minimalist as well as those trying to create a healthy work-life environment. Doubling up as the perfect coffee-table book, More More More is sure to delight.