【 The Tank Book: The Definitive Visual History of Armoured Vehicles 】
《坦克大百科 新版》
@全彩精裝/256頁/版面24.4 x 29.0 cm
本書由「坦克博物館協會」(The Tank Museum)和DK出版社聯合編製,追蹤了坦克的發展史,應對了兩次世界大戰、韓戰、越戰、冷戰和許多其他衝突。如果您對現代戰爭感興趣,本書絕對是不可錯過的閱讀材料。
Get up close to more than 400 of the most important tanks and armoured vehicles ever built.
In 1916, the British built a machine that was impervious to enemy fire, and could dominate the battlefield, crushing obstacles and barbed wire in its path. The first tank, or "Mother" as it was known, had arrived. In The Tank Book you can view it in detail, along with other iconic models, including the German Panzer, the legendary Tiger, the Vickers Medium Mark II, the Centurion, and the Hellcat - the fastest armoured fighting vehicle ever.
This comprehensive volume takes you through the most exciting story in recent military history with the development of heavy artillery, anti-tank weaponry, and the men - such as Sir William Tritton and Mikail Koshkin - who designed these awe-inspiring beasts. It shows each key model in stunning detail, highlighting elements such as their armour and weaponry, and much more besides.
Produced in association with The Tank Museum, The Tank Book traces the tank's development in response to two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, and many other conflicts. If you are interested in modern warfare, The Tank Book is truly unmissable reading.