Robots 1:2 R.F. Robot Collection(1:2 Rolf Fehlbaum的玩具機器人珍藏),吉米康妮圖書

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Robots 1:2 R.F. Robot Collection(1:2 Rolf Fehlbaum的玩具機器人珍藏)

TWD $1,760

TWD $1,400

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Robots 1:2  R.F. Robot Collection

1:2  Rolf Fehlbaum的玩具機器人珍藏


@ Victionary原文書

@全彩平裝/352頁/開本17.0 x 24.0 cm

@作者: Rolf Fehlbaum, Fifo Stricker


德國的Vitra Design Museum是世界上最大的家具與室內設計博物館,蒐藏了多張設計大師的經典名椅外,圖書室內的文獻檔案也永久公開,提供珍貴的研究資源。


如果你的童年是在50年代至70年代度過的,一定少不了機器人玩具,鐵皮機器人是童年回憶中最為經典的寶物。Vitra 榮譽董事長暨前執行長Rolf Fehlbaum經過多年研究與彙整,以本書展示自己獨家收藏的鐵皮機器人,書中詳細記錄每一尊機器人的名字、設計年份、尺寸與製造訊息,並以1:2比例的圖片呈現實體機器人──系列中最高大的機器人即決定了本書的尺寸。


鐵皮機器人(Tin Robot)是以「鐵」做為主要材質包覆的玩具,使用鍍錫鐵皮製造,起源於20世紀初的德國和西班牙,二次世界大戰後物資匱乏的日本因為能製造更低廉且質量精美的鐵皮機器人而成為主要生產國,在1930至1970年代的黃金時期,各種色彩鮮豔飽和、造型百變、質感古樸呆萌的機器人大量出現,充分顯示了當時對科技的認知以及科技發展的日新月異,而且在今日看來依舊經典。


Collectible kinetic sculptures from bygone visions of the future, in a new compact edition

This compact volume explores the 172 space-themed toys in the R.F. Robot Collection held by the Vitra Design Museum. Largely produced in Japan between 1937 and 1973, these figures of robots (and the occasional astronaut) have been carefully researched and compiled over the years by Rolf Fehlbaum, former Chairman of Vitra and founder of the Vitra Design Museum, who describes them as small kinetic sculptures of great originality.

Ever since the term's first appearance in Czech writer Karel ?apek's science-fiction play R.U.R. in 1921, robots have both served and taken over the work of humans, creating human dependency and, at times, a shift in the power dynamics of a society. Robots 1:2 shows the toys and their original packaging (where available, as it was seldom preserved) on a scale of 1:2, with the largest robot determining the size of the book. This conveys something of the uncanny nature of the robots and their general ambiguity, while the vivid illustrations on the boxes give an idea of the futuristic fantasies developed over the period. QR codes for some of the robots link to a page with short videos showing them in action.


















Robots 1:2 R.F. Robot Collection(1:2 Rolf Fehlbaum的玩具機器人珍藏)

TWD $1,760

TWD $1,400


