Vermeer - The Rijksmuseum's major exhibition catalogue(維梅爾:阿姆斯特丹國立博物館特展),吉米康妮圖書

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Vermeer - The Rijksmuseum's major exhibition catalogue(維梅爾:阿姆斯特丹國立博物館特展)

TWD $2,750

TWD $2,160

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Vermeer - The Rijksmuseum's major exhibition catalogue



@ Victionary原文書

@全彩精裝/320頁/開本21.5 x 25.5 cm

@作者:Pieter Roelofs, Gregor J. M. Weber








本書由「圖書女王」Irma Boom設計,採用了特別委託製作的「Munken Print White」無光澤紙張印刷而成,以確保顏色的真實性。Irma Boom表示:「啞光紙(霧面紙)讓你更靠近維梅爾,其表面沒有光澤或閃耀,就像真實的作品一樣。」書中附有大量的背景插圖、評論以及由國際著名維梅爾學者提供的最新研究,這是關於17世紀荷蘭最受推崇的大師之一、世界上最偉大的藝術家之一的權威之作。


Published to accompany the once-in-a-lifetime exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, this is the first major study on Vermeer's life and work for many years


Vermeer's intensely quiet and enigmatic paintings invite the viewer into a private world, often prompting more questions than answers. Who is being portrayed? Are his subjects real or imagined? And how did he create such an unrivalled sense of intimacy?

Bringing together diverse strands of the Dutch master's professional and private worlds, this is the first major authoritative study of Vermeer's life and work for many years, throwing light on all thirty-seven of his paintings.

The book was designed by Irma Boom, the ‘Queen of Books’, and printed on an uncoated, ‘Munken Print White’ paper, specially commissioned to ensure the veracity of colours. Irma Boom says: ‘the matte paper brings you closer to Vermeer; there is no gloss or glare in between, just like with the real works.’With a wide selection of contextual illustrations, commentaries and up-to-date research by distinguished international Vermeer scholars, here is the definitive volume on the most admired of all seventeenth-century Dutch masters, one of the world's greatest artists.


【Contents List】


Foreword by Taco Dibbits, general director, Rijksmuseum

Section I: Essays

1. Vermeer - Biography
An introduction to Vermeer's life and work

2. Vermeer - His House
Although little is known about Vermeer as a personality, an investigation into his direct environment reveals much more. Paying a visit to Oude Langendijk in Delft, this essay examines Vermeer's family members, household life and personal possessions.


3. Vermeer's Invented World
Vermeer's paintings are almost exclusively interiors, imbued with a momentary stillness in time which nevertheless has been carefully constructed and orchestrated to direct the observer's gaze. This creation of intimacy is the key theme of the exhibition.

Section II: The Paintings
Includes every painting by Vermeer, grouped in 13 thematic sections, each written by a curatorial authority. Each theme includes 2–4 works:

Delft – Coming Home
Paintings: View of the Delft, The Little Street

Inside – Still-life Figures, Safe World
Paintings: A Maid Asleep, Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window, The Milkmaid

Very Close – Introvert
Paintings: Woman in Blue Reading a Letter, The Lacemaker

Paintings: The Music Lesson, The Concert, The Love Letter

Windows – The Outside World Inside
Paintings: Officer and Laughing Girl, Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid, Woman with a Lute, Young Woman with a Water Pitcher

Letters – The World Outside Inside
Paintings: Mistress and Maid, A Lady Writing

Fashionable Intruders
Paintings: The Glass of Wine, The Girl with a Wine Glass, Girl Interrupted in her Music

Attraction/Across the Border
Paintings: Girl with a Red Hat, Girl with Flute, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Study of a Young Woman

Playing Music for.../Waiting for the (music-)partner
Paintings: A Lady Standing at a Virginal, A Lady Seated at a Virginal, The Guitar Player, A Young Woman Seated at the Virginals

The Whole World Inside
Paintings: The Geographer, The Astronomer

World of thoughts/Inner Reflections of Vanity and Faith
Paintings: Woman with a Pearl Necklace, Woman Holding a Balance, Allegory of Catholic Faith

Early Ambitions/Try Outs
Paintings: Saint Praxedis, Christ in the House of Martha and Mary, Diana and her Companions, The Procuress

Late Ambition/Legate, Testimony
Paintings: The Art of Painting
















Vermeer - The Rijksmuseum's major exhibition catalogue(維梅爾:阿姆斯特丹國立博物館特展)

TWD $2,750

TWD $2,160


