【Rebel Folklore: Empowering Tales of Spirits, Witches, and Other Misfits from Anansi to Baba Yaga 】
@全彩精裝/192頁/版面20.5 x 25.5 cm
@作者:DK編輯部/ Maite Jauregui
無論是羅馬尼亞的森林女巫Muma Padurii,她為保護環境而恐嚇侵入者,還是Churel,在她反轉的腳上悄悄追踪不忠男人,或者羅賓漢,每個人最喜愛的無法無天的活動家,我們都可以從昔日的叛逆者中學到很多:如何大聲疾呼,擁抱我們的缺陷,毫不羞愧地做自己──即使這意味著成為一個食人的沼澤女巫。
Rebel Folklore gathers 50 of the darkest and most complicated folktale characters from around the world, showing readers why we should care about the rebels and misfits of ancient stories.
Folktales were humble stories, passed down generations by those on the fringes of society: women, peasants, outcast groups. Across the world, these ancient stories are filled with strange characters, complicated figures who hold up a mirror to the world that dreamt them up. From outspoken women cast as witches to anti-authority figures denounced as criminals, flawed heroes to relatable villains, Rebel Folklore celebrates 50 of these misfits and what they mean for us today.
Whether it's Muma Padurii, the Romanian forest witch who terrorizes trespassers to protect the environment, the Churel, who stalks unfaithful men on her backwards feet, or Robin Hood, everyone's favourite lawless activist, we can learn a lot from the rebels of days gone by: how to speak out, embrace our flaws, and be unashamedly ourselves - even if that means being a cannibalistic swamp witch.