Earthly Delights: A History of the Renaissance(人間樂園:文藝復興的歷史),吉米康妮圖書

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Earthly Delights: A History of the Renaissance(人間樂園:文藝復興的歷史)

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星期日泰晤士報(The Sunday Times)年度藝術書籍

【Earthly Delights: A History of the Renaissance】



@Thames & Hudson原文書

@全彩精裝/336頁/開本18.6 x 24.6 cm

@作者:Jonathan Jones






本書作者、藝術評論家暨作家Jonathan Jones,將文藝復興的藝術家描繪為先驅、冒險家和「天才」,這是文藝復興的概念。1520年,阿爾布雷希特‧杜勒(Albrecht Dürer)在布魯塞爾驚嘆於阿茲特克藝術;達文西試圖完善一架飛行器;波西在安特衛普發現葡萄牙人進口的西非象牙雕刻所帶來的靈感;尚未出名的荷蘭畫家老彼得布魯哲爾於1550年代抵達羅馬,就在同一座城市,米開朗基羅正試圖將新的聖伯多祿大殿"建立"到天堂。從大西洋航行到德國森林,從義大利宮殿到布拉格的皇家城堡,這是一個人們敢於挑戰神祕學的時代、敢於涉足烏托邦的時代、敢於思考並創造新世界的時代……


What was the 'Renaissance'? In the nineteenth century this flowering of creativity and thought was celebrated as the birth of the modern world. Today many historians are sceptical about its very existence. Earthly Delights rekindles the Renaissance as a seismic change in European mentalities, in a panoramic history that encompasses Florence and Bruges, London and Nuremberg. Artists from northern as well as southern Europe, including Leonardo, Bosch, Bruegel and Titian, star in a captivating and beautifully illustrated narrative that sets their lives against a period of convulsive change across a continent that was finding itself as it ‘discovered’ the world.

Art critic and writer Jonathan Jones tells the story of Renaissance artists as pioneers, adventurers and ‘geniuses’, a Renaissance concept. Albrecht Dürer gazes with wonder on Aztec art in Brussels in 1520, Leonardo da Vinci tries to perfect a flying machine, Hieronymus Bosch finds inspiration in West African ivory carvings imported by the Portuguese to Antwerp. A then unknown Netherlandish painter, Pieter Bruegel, arrives in 1550s Rome just as Michelangelo is striving in the same city to raise the new St Peter’s Basilica towards heaven. From Atlantic voyages to Germanic woods, Italian palazzi to the royal castle of Prague, this was an age when people dared to experiment with the occult and dabble in utopias: to think and create new worlds.


















Earthly Delights: A History of the Renaissance(人間樂園:文藝復興的歷史)

TWD $1,650

TWD $1,300


