【Walter Crane (The Illustrators)】
《沃爾特‧克蘭:The Illustrators系列》
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩軟精裝/112頁/開本18.7 x 24.5 cm
@作者:Jenny Uglow
★英國著名藝術出版社Thames & Hudson全新系列: The Illustrators
沃爾特‧克蘭是一位引人入勝且充滿創造力的人物,不僅在插畫界,在政治文化中也是如此。本書作者巧妙地描繪了克蘭從童年對前拉斐爾派繪畫的熱愛,到莫里斯(William Morris)和威廉‧布雷克(William Blake)對他的期刊、書籍、橫幅、小冊子和明信片的影響,這些作品後來成為他為國際社會主義運動開創新風格的創作。克蘭的作品包括驚人的視覺材料,成為一種超越語言界限的象徵代碼。這本書是對一位融合各種風格和影響的藝術家的出色記錄,他前所未有地將這些元素融合在一起。
Jenny Uglow narrates the story of Walter Crane, an intriguing and prolific figure not only in illustration, but in political culture more broadly. Uglow expertly weaves a fascinating study of how Crane’s art and politics developed from his childhood love of Pre-Raphaelite painting to the influences of Morris and William Blake on the journals, books, banners, pamphlets and postcards he went on to create as he forged a new style for the international socialist movement. Comprising a staggering range of visual material, Crane’s images became a symbolic code that leapt over linguistic boundaries. This book is a brilliant record of an artist who blended styles and influences like no one before him.