跟著插畫家Mr. Slowboy尋找現代紳士的時尚潮流
【Slowboy: Portraits of The Modern Gentleman】
《Mr. Slowboy:現代紳士穿搭術》
@全彩精裝/216頁/開本17.0 x 23.5 cm
雖然時尚的潮流趨勢日新月異,但優雅的穿搭藝術卻是人生長遠的課題。 對於那些喜歡以風格表達自己的人來說,投資一件時尚單品或配上突顯個性的配飾,也是策劃理想衣櫥不可缺少的一部分。
憑藉多年來與世界各地標誌性品牌的合作而積累的經驗,Mr. Slowboy以他獨有的插畫風格呈現出理想的「現代紳士」。 作為第一本作品集,本書不但收錄了他的精選商業項目和私人作品,也分享了他在業內著名的友人及他本人撰寫的小故事。無論你是時尚愛好者還是Mr. Slowboy的粉絲,也是一本值得收藏的作品集。
Fashion trends may be ever-evolving, but the art of dressing up is a timeless affair. From investing wisely in flattering pieces that transcend the seasons to accentuating one’s personality with the right accessories, curating the perfect wardrobe can be a lifelong quest worth pursuing for those who enjoy expressing themselves in style.
Drawing from his years of experience honed through commissions for iconic brands around the world, Mr. SLOWBOY presents his portraits of the modern gentleman in a variety of delightful illustrations that inspire with their sense of individuality and effortlessness. His book includes quintessential tips for assembling a coveted closet and a sneak peek into his creative background to appeal to both sartorialists and artists alike.