【Comics (1964–2024)】
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/288頁/開本24.0 x 30.0 cm
@作者:Anne Lemonnier , Emmanuel Payen, Thierry Groensteen, Benoît Peeters, Johanna Schipper, Paul Gravett, Laurent Gerbier, Tristan Garcia, Joe Sacco, Lucas Hureau, Marguerite Demoëte
從20世紀60年代中期開始,漫畫迅速演變成為具有高度創意的藝術形式,在法國,《Hara-Kiri》雜誌開創了新的圖像幽默領域,而Jean-Claude Forest的《Barbarella》冒險則由Éric Losfeld出版。在日本,1964年推出的前衛月刊《ガロ》呈現了「作者漫畫」(auteur comics)概念。而在美國,Robert Crumb在 1968年發行的《Zap Comix》確立了他作為地下漫畫運動領袖的地位……
不論是當今世代熟悉的美式漫畫,諸如《美國隊長》、《驚奇四超人》;風靡歐洲的法國漫畫《丁丁歷險記》、法國漫畫大師暨當代科幻電影啟蒙者尚‧吉羅(Jean Giraud)與其創作;或是廣為人知的日本漫畫家手塚治虫、藤子・F・不二雄等,「漫畫」作為第九藝術,在1960年代的歐洲迅速發展成熟,不僅成為百姓大眾的一種娛樂形式,更是承載人類情感、刻畫社會現實和傳達思想哲學的重要媒介,其內容的多元性與其表現形式的多樣性不容忽視。
Published to accompany the major exhibition at the Pompidou Centre, Paris, this is a brilliantly illustrated survey of the international comic book landscape over the past sixty years
From the mid-1960s, the world of comics rapidly evolved into a highly creative art form for a sophisticated readership: in France, the magazine Hara-Kiri provided new terrains for graphical humour, while the adventures of Jean-Claude Forest’s Barbarella were published in albums by Éric Losfeld; the launch in Japan of Garo in 1964, an avant-garde monthly, presented the concept of auteur comics; and the release of Robert Crumb’s Zap Comix in 1968 established his reputation as the leader of the underground comics movement in the United States.
For the first time, this major historical survey of the ninth art establishes a dialogue between the three leading regions of comic book culture – Europe, Asia and America – and offers an immersive odyssey of the medium through its development over six decades ranging from the explosion of the twentieth-century counterculture scene to the most abstract contemporary styles.
Built around twelve themes encompassing the many worlds of the comics imagination, Comics: 1964–2024 features artists including André Franquin, Gotlib, Claire Bretécher, Osamu Tezuka, Moebius, Edmond Baudoin, Alison Bechdel, Ulli Lust, Art Spiegelman, Marjane Satrapi and Chris Ware, as well as introductions on each theme by leading authorities of the form, a brand new interview with renowned cartoonist and journalist Joe Sacco, and a foreword by Paul Gravett.