【Art, Annotated】
@全彩精裝/512 頁/開本24.2 x 28.8 cm
★本書如同一座驚人的藝術畫廊,涵蓋了超過 3,000 年的繪畫、雕塑和版畫。
讓自己沉浸在書中,學習有關藝術的一切:米開朗基羅如何畫出裸體畫、什麼是立體主義、以及抽象藝術從何而來。探索古埃及壁畫、解讀達文西〈最後的晚餐〉的視覺線索,並了解哪些事物啟發了Louise Bourgeois和Banksy。
- 探索來自世界各地的藝術,研究構圖、色彩、藝術技巧和象徵等關鍵元素。
- 介紹來自世界各地和不同文化的 450 多位藝術家的作品,涵蓋每一個時期和主要的藝術運動。
- 探討藝術品的歷史背景,使本書成為全面的藝術史概覽。
- 書末附有 32 頁的藝術家傳記目錄,可供參考。
A stunning art gallery in a book, art, annotated spans more than 3,000 years of paintings, sculptures, and prints.
Combining reproductions of each work of art with precise annotations and visual analysis, it is an expertly curated selection of the finest art ever created.
Immerse yourself in this book and learn all about art - how Michelangelo painted nudes, what cubism is, and where abstraction came from. Discover ancient Egyptian frescoes, read the visual clues to Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, and find out what inspired Louise Bourgeois and Banksy.
In this art book, you will find:
Art from all over the world exploring key elements such as composition, colour, technique, and symbolism.
Profiles the work of more than 450 artists from across the world and many different cultures, covering every period and major art movement.
Art set in its historical context, which makes art, annotated a complete overview of art history.
An optional 32-page directory of biographies of all the artists featured at the back of the book.
Packed with information and full of inspiration, art, annotated brings the finest paintings and sculptures right into your home. It is the ultimate history of art and visual sourcebook for all art lovers.