【How to Build LEGO Robots】
@全彩精裝/96 頁/開本20.2 x 26.2 cm
@作者:DK編輯群/ Jessica Farrell
★DK出版社的【How to Build LEGO】系列之一。
★作者潔西卡‧法瑞爾Jessica Farrell是愛爾蘭的專業積木藝術家,曾在許多國家舉辦樂高積木作品展。
本書涵蓋超過 30 種驚人的機器人創作建造指南,從嘻哈機器人到水下探險家和機器人 SPA。每個機器人創意都被分解成三、四或五個重要的建造步驟,讀者可以從中學習基本的建造技巧,來創造關節手臂、抓取器、動力顯示、紋理等等,為你的樂高模型增添奇妙的設計。
Discover how to build your very own incredible LEGO® robots! With building instructions for more than 30 awesome creations!
Be inspired by more than 30 LEGO robot ideas, from a hip-hop bot to an underwater explorer and a robot spa.
Each robot idea is broken down into three, four, or five important building steps.
Learn essential building techniques to create articulated arms, grabbers, power displays, textures, and much more, for your own wonderful models.
You can build anything.
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