【The Science of Plant-based Nutrition】
@全彩精裝/224 頁/開本 22.1 x 26.2 cm
@作者:DK編輯群/ Rhiannon Lambert
知名營養師Rhiannon Lambert在這裡為您提供有關植物性飲食的所有必須了解的訊息,幫助您分辨真假,從而幫助您和您的家人優化健康營養,避免植物性飲食的任何陷阱。這是簡單、靈活且科學嚴謹的建議。
Overwhelming evidence indicates plant-based eating is the healthy way forward, both for people and the planet. But there are a wealth of misconceptions and unanswered questions that need to be addressed.
Leading nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert is here to equip you with everything you need to know about plant-based diets, separating fact from fiction, to help you and your family optimize healthy nutrition and avoid any of the pitfalls around going plant-based. This is simple, flexible, and scientifically rigorous advice.
Covering every conceivable topic - from the power of 30 and embracing the rainbow, through the role of gut bacteria in mental and physical health, to plant-based for kids, taking supplements, and the benefits of nutritional yeast - this book offers clear answers supported by informative graphics.
The Science of Plant-based Nutrition demystifies the hottest topics in healthy eating so you can embrace plant-based living with the maximum benefits.