【Women Our History】
@超大版面22.1 x 26.1 cm
本書圖文並茂地展現女性在歷史上發生的各大重要事件:從早期的母系社會到爭取女性選舉權、婦女參政運動、20世紀的女權主義和性別政治(gender politics),到近期的#MeToo運動和國際婦女節等,並著重於女性在塑造歷史的過程中所發揮的關鍵作用。
Re-examining history from a female perspective, this book celebrates the numerous important roles women have played in culture and society that are less often told.
Packed full of evocative images, this gloriously illustrated book reveals the key events in women's history - from early matriarchal societies through women's suffrage, the Suffragette movement, 20th-century feminism and gender politics, to recent movements such as #MeToo and International Women's Day - and the key role women have had in shaping our past.
Learn about the everyday lives of women through the ages as well as the big ?names of women's history - powerful, inspirational, and trailblazing women such as Cleopatra, Florence Nightingale, Emmeline Pankhurst, Eva Peron, and Rosa Parks - and discover the unsung contributions of lesser-known women who have changed the world, and the "forgotten" events of women's history.
Placing women firmly centre stage, Women - Our History shows women where they have come from, and, in celebrating the achievements of women of the past offers positive role models for women of today