【Artist Who Changed History】
@全彩精裝/368頁/版面28.8 x 24.3 cm
從達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)到芙烈達‧卡蘿(Frida Kahlo),本書對80多個著名藝術家及其令人著迷的生活進行驚人的探索,講述世界上最偉大的傑作和創作者背後鼓舞人心的故事──包括他們的影響力、發展、友誼、愛情和競爭。
發掘拉斐爾(Raphael)、賀加斯(Hogarth)、梵谷(van Gogh)、歐姬芙(Georgia O'Keeffe)、馬格利特(René Magritte)、安迪‧沃荷(Andy Warhol)和安塞爾姆‧基弗(Anselm Kiefer)等標誌性藝術家動蕩的人生經歷,揭露藝術家生活中非比尋常的故事,例如霍爾拜因(Holbein)與亨利八世之間的肖像畫趣事、卡拉瓦喬對煮壞的朝鮮薊的暴怒反應、以及畢加索的許多浪漫韻事……本書為每一位偉大藝術家精心打造傳記,詳細介紹他們的經典作品,以及他們獨特的技藝與個性。
畫家安德魯‧格雷厄姆‧迪克森(Andrew Graham-Dixon)為本書撰寫前言,這是送給年輕藝術家與藝術愛好者的理想禮物。
A stunning exploration of over 80 famous artists and their fascinating lives, from Leonardo da Vinci to Frida Kahlo.
Artists: Their Lives and Works tells the inspiring stories behind the world's most famous masterpieces and their creators, including their influences, development, friendships, loves, and rivalries. Discover the often tumultuous lives of iconic artists including Raphael, Hogarth, van Gogh, O'Keeffe, Magritte, Warhol, and Kiefer.
Uncover the unconventional tales of the artists' lives, including Holbein's matchmaking portraits for Henry VIII, Caravaggio's thuggish reactions to a badly-cooked artichoke, and the many romantic affairs of Picasso. Lavishly illustrated biographies for every artist reveal these visionaries at work in their studios, as well as the unique techniques, artworks, and personalities that made them into legends.
Featuring a foreword by Andrew Graham-Dixon, Artists: Their Lives and Works is the ideal gift for art lovers old and young, and a uniquely fascinating look at the lives of these creators.