【DKfindout! Climate Change】
@全彩軟式精裝/64頁/開本18.3 x 23.5 cm
★小朋友學習英文必須閱讀文學性讀物(例如繪本、橋梁書),也需要知識性讀物(例如百科全書)──老編回想起數十年前上大學,第一次拿到跟磚塊一樣重的「材料力學」(Mechanics of Materials)原文書,要說心中多害怕就有多害怕!
★DKfindout! Series(小小探索者系列)是專為英語系國家所編寫的兒童百科全書,曾獲頒MadeForMums Awards。
本書呈現地球氣候變遷(climate change)背後的科學原理,氣候變遷雖然是自然界的必經過程,但人類活動卻使得這種變化更加劇烈,汽車排放廢氣、畜牧…等等─都是地球暖化的元凶之一,那麼,我們要怎麼做才能避免情況進一步惡化呢?這一切的一切,全都收錄於本書之中……
Understand the facts about climate change and discover what we can do to improve the human impact on our environment.
In 2019, kids around the world are going on strike for the future of the planet, and for their own futures. The British and Irish governments have become the first in the world to declare a climate emergency. Climate change is now one of the biggest issues we face as a society. This book lays out the science behind a natural process that has been massively sped up by humans. It explains the different ways in which we have caused the climate to heat up, from traffic pollution to animal farming, and the widespread effects of this change.
The book covers what we can do to help prevent further, damaging changes to the climate, both in our everyday lives and as potential activists. This timely entry into the award-winning DKfindout! series explores the past, present, and future of our climate. It covers key developments such as the industrial revolution, the advent of plane travel, and climate activism, from the People's Climate March to Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion.