【The Business Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained】
@全彩精裝/352頁/開本19.5 x 23.3 cm
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★史上最全面、最易讀、最有趣的《大知識輕鬆讀》系列(Big Ideas Simply Explained),全球熱銷1,000萬冊以上。
突破困境,實現你的事業美夢 ,但前提是你必須跟最好的企管大師學習──亨利‧福特(Henry Ford)、史提夫‧賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)、比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)……
You can achieve your business dream. Beat the odds as you learn from the best - including Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates - and turn your idea into an amazing and profitable enterprise.
The Business Book helps you over the hurdles facing every new business, such as finding a gap in the market, securing finance, employing people, and creating an eye-catching brand. It is a plain-speaking visual guide to 80 of the most important commerce theories including chaos theory, critical path analysis, market mapping, and the MABA matrix.
Its graphics and flow diagrams demystify complicated concepts and explain the ideas of seminal business thinkers, such as Malcolm Gladwell's "tipping point", Michael Porter's "five forces", and Meredith Belbin's theories on effective teamwork. It shows that you can succeed with stories of rags-to-riches entrepreneurs, including the founders of Hewlett-Packard, who began their global enterprise from their garage.
Whether you are a student, a CEO, or a would-be entrepreneur, The Business Book will inspire you and put you on the inside track to making your goal a reality.