DK The Philosophy Book Big Ideas Simply (DK 大知識輕鬆讀:哲學百科),吉米康妮圖書

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DK The Philosophy Book Big Ideas Simply (DK 大知識輕鬆讀:哲學百科)

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【The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained】




@全彩精裝/352頁/開本19.5 x 23.3 cm

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★史上最全面、最易讀、最有趣的《大知識輕鬆讀》系列(Big Ideas Simply Explained),全球熱銷1,000萬冊以上。










For all the deep thinkers with questions about the world, this encyclopedia holds the answers you have been searching for.


What is the meaning of life? What is the Universe made of? Read what our eminent philosophers thought about the nature of reality, and the fundamental questions we ask ourselves.


To help you understand the subject and what it is about, The Philosophy Book introduces you to ancient philosophers such as Plato and Confucius. But it doesn't stop there, read about our modern thinkers such as Chomsky and Derrida too. Short and sweet biographies of over a hundred philosophers and their profound questions.


Work your way through the different branches of philosophy such as metaphysics and ethics. Understand how philosophical questions have led to breakthroughs in maths and science. Get to grips with how the history of philosophy informs our modern lives, exploring topics such as how science can predict the future and how language shapes our thoughts and decisions.


Your Philosophical Questions Explained

If you thought philosophy was full of difficult concepts, The Philosophy Book presents the key ideas in an easy to follow layout. Explained in simple terms with visual guides such as mind maps, diagrams, and timelines for the progression of ideas. Enjoy the stunning graphics that add a little wit to the serious subject.


Travel from ancient philosophers to contemporary thinkers:
- The Ancient World 700 BGE - 250 CE
- The Medieval World 250 - 1500
- Renaissance and the Age of Reason 1500 - 1750
- The Age of Revolution 1750 - 1900
- The Modern World 1900 - 1950
- Contemporary Philosophy


The Series Simply Explained
With over 7 million copies sold worldwide to date, The Philosophy Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK Books. It uses innovative graphics along with engaging writing to make complex subjects easier to understand.





















DK The Philosophy Book Big Ideas Simply (DK 大知識輕鬆讀:哲學百科)

TWD $1,100

TWD$ 860
