【Yayoi Kusama: All About My Love】
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/264頁/開本26.5 x 21.0 cm
@作者:Yayoi Kusama, Akira Shibutami
★日本當代最重要的藝術家─草間彌生─2018年在松本市美術館舉辦特展《All ABOUT MY LOVE》,本書就是這場展覽的作品圖錄。
2018年松本市美術館在草間彌生誕生地舉辦了一場特別展覽《ALL ABOUT MY LOVE》,展示作品多達180件,也是目前為止草間彌生作品數量最多的展覽。2019年在草間彌生90歲生日之際,Thames & Hudson首度以英文出版早在2018年就銷售一空的特展圖錄:Yayoi Kusama: All About My Love,本書包含350幅以上的作品圖片,並收錄松本市美術館館長Akira Shibutami的專文分析,回顧草間彌生歷年來的重要作品。
本書按年代順序編排,並提供細節說明──例如早年在紐約的藝術創作〈無限之網〉(Infinity Nets)與〈圓點〉(Polka Dots)、網羅80年代與90年代的紐約歲月與威尼斯雙年展參展作品,當然還有持續進行中的〈我永遠的靈魂〉(My eternal soul) 系列。
Avant-garde artist Yayoi Kusama’s matchless creativity and originality have been captivating the world since she moved from Matsumoto, her hometown in Nagano, Japan, to the USA in 1958. In the last ten years alone, her retrospective exhibitions in four major European and American museums, including Tate Modern, London, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, have seen record attendance.
Kusama has continuously innovated and re-invented her style. Well-known for her repeating dot patterns, her art encompasses an astonishing variety of media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, film, performance and immersive installation. It ranges from works on paper featuring intense semi-abstract imagery, to soft sculpture known as ‘Accumulations’, to her ‘Infinity Net’ paintings, made up of carefully repeated arcs of paint built up into large patterns. This comprehensive publication, originally published to accompany a sell-out exhibition at Matsumoto City Museum of Art, offers a comprehensive overview of Kusama’s entire career, including works from her youth, when she indulged in drawing in order to escape from her hallucinations; paintings made when she was based in New York, including ‘Infinity Nets’ and ‘Polka Dots’; works from the 1980s and 1990s, when she participated in the Venice Biennale; and last but not least, the ongoing large-scale series ‘My Eternal Soul’. The plates are in chronological order and followed by detailed captions.