一本書收藏Louis Vuitton全系列
【Louis Vuitton Catwalk: The Complete Fashion Collections】
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩精裝/632頁/開本19.0 x 27.7 cm
@作者:Louise Rytter
Table of Contents
Introduction • The Collections: Louis Vuitton by Marc Jacobs, 1998–2014 • Louis
Vuitton by Nicolas Ghesquière, 2014–2018
古老又經典的Louis Vuitton,是我們耳熟能詳的經典品牌,即便近幾年加入了許多活潑與新潮的元素來因應年輕化市場的需求,卻能發現它始終保有最初的設計理念。
路易‧威登自 1854 年成立與自己同名的皮箱店,躋身全球一流皮件製作商長達數十年,1998年首度推出時尚精品系列,聲名鼎沸,更率風氣之先與理查‧普林斯(Richard Prince)、村上隆、史蒂芬‧史普魯斯(Stephen Sprouse)等著名藝術家合作,推出系列精品。
本書除了記敘路易威登的品牌歷史,亦介紹路易威登首位創意總監馬克‧雅各布斯(Marc Jacobs)及現任總監尼古拉‧蓋斯奇埃爾(Nicolas Ghesquière),並按時序梳理各系列精品,敘述其特點及影響,衰輔以精心策劃、由娜歐蜜‧坎貝兒、吉賽兒、凱特‧摩絲、卡拉‧喬斯林等超模走秀的伸展台影像,展現路易威登衣著、配件及設計的不凡魅力。
我是小編康妮 #康妮的視角
你們聽過Louis Vuitton最經典的小故事嗎?
大家都知道《鐵達尼號》是改編自真實故事,當時的貴族名流都用Louis Vuitton 設計的行李箱,據說在鐵達尼號撞上冰山沈船後,搜救大隊找到了許多完全沒有進水也完好無缺的行李箱,這讓Louis Vuitton在當時聲名大噪。
沒錯,Louis Vuitton 最初是以行李箱開啟世界知名度!使用防水的帆布材質及四方形的設計,大大改善以往行李箱不防水的不便,打下了「滴水不漏」的名號,就此成為當時貴族們旅行愛用的高級品牌。而至今Louis Vuitton 依然保有最初的設計理念,所有商品皆以「旅行」為出發點,拒絕訂製不能帶著旅行的品項,讓「旅行精神」永續的傳下去。
隨著時代與市場的變化,當時的行李箱雖然已經成為了不實用的商品,但卻依然是許多人心中必須收藏的一樣藝術品,我想就是因為Louis Vuitton 打造的品牌核心與形象非常植入人心,才能在至今依然是奢侈品的代名詞。
Founded as a luxury leather goods house in 1854, Louis Vuitton was for many decades one of the world’s leading trunk and accessories makers. It was after launching its first fashion collections in 1998, however, that the house reached unprecedented global fame, and pioneered high-profile collaborations with artists such as Richard Prince, Takashi Murakami and Stephen Sprouse.
This definitive publication opens with a concise history of the house, followed by brief biographical profiles of Marc Jacobs, the first creative director 1998-2014, and Nicolas Ghesquière, who helms the brand today, before exploring the collections themselves, organized chronologically. Each collection is introduced by a short text unveiling its influences and highlights, and illustrated with carefully curated catwalk images. Showcasing hundreds of spectacular clothes, details, accessories, beauty looks and set designs – and, of course, the top fashion models who wore them on the runway, from Naomi Campbell and Gisele to Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne. A rich reference section, including an extensive index, concludes the book.