【Pre-Raphaelite Cats】
《Susan Herbert貓咪畫集:前拉斐爾畫派》
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/64頁/開本19.0 x 23.0 cm
@作者:Susan Herbert
蘇珊‧赫伯特(Susan Herbert)是一位專門畫貓咪的藝術家,在本書中她重現「前拉斐爾畫派」的許多經典畫作,同樣的,畫中角色也都換成了貓咪!
Susan Herbert’s feline versions of famous paintings continue to delight cat and art-lovers everywhere. In Pre-Raphaelite Cats, she turns her eye to the works of painters whose popularity is reaching new heights today. The epitome of their style and period, these wonderful paintings can be viewed in a new and entrancing way when their protagonists are endearing cats.
Pre-Raphaelite Cats(Susan Herbert貓咪畫集:前拉斐爾派)
TWD $440