【Cats in Art: Box of 20 Notecards】
《Susan Herbert貓咪萬用卡片組:經典畫作》
@Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩卡片/20張/尺寸11.3 x 15.8 cm
@作者:Susan Herbert
★蘇珊‧赫伯特(Susan Herbert)是一位專門畫貓咪的藝術家,廣受愛貓人士及藝術愛好者的矚目。
★這套萬用卡片禮盒組收錄赫伯特Cats Galore: A Compendium of Cultured Cats書中作品,內含20張萬用卡片與信封,絕對是喵友與藝術愛好者的高萌感度收藏。
Inspired by Susan Herbert’s delightful feline reimaginings of famous scenes from art, theatre, opera, ballet and film, this delightful box of notecards is the ideal gift for cultured cat lovers.
Cats in Art Box of 20 Notecards(Susan Herbert 貓咪萬用卡片組:經典畫作)
TWD $594