【DK DC Comics Cover Art】
@全彩精裝/ 240頁
@大開本24.3 x 29.0 cm
@作者:Nick Jones
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從開山祖師Bob Kane到照片寫實風格的Adam Hughes,再到Amanda Conner的另類幽默,本書收錄DC漫畫85年來最具代表性的封面設計,並由DC專家評論其重要性、以及創作者的創作理念闡述。
"Story hook, tragic moment, poster, or outrageous character, the covers lured us in." - Paul Levitz, president of DC Comics 2002-2009
From the trailblazing works of Bob Kane, to the photorealistic stylings of Adam Hughes and quirky humour of Amanda Conner, DC Comics Cover Art is a collection of the most iconic covers in DC's history. Stunning artwork is accompanied by expert commentary exploring the significance of each cover, while artist profiles shed light on their creators.
Discover the most striking covers from more than 85 years of DC Comics.