【DK The Science of the Ocean】
《海洋科學:揭露大海的秘密 新版》
@全彩精裝/ 336頁
@超大開本26.0 x 30.8cm
★DK出版社與英國「自然史博物館」(Natural History Museum)合作出版,為您揭露神秘海洋的的豐富生態、以及從珊瑚礁、紅樹林到深邃海溝…等等不同的海域。
Dive into this uniquely elegant visual exploration of the sea
An informative and utterly beautiful introduction to marine life and the ocean environment, The Science of the Ocean book brings the riches of the underwater world onto the printed page.
Astounding photography reveals an abundance of life, from microscopic plankton to great whales, seaweed to starfish. Published in association with the Natural History Museum, the book explores every corner of the oceans, from coral reefs and mangrove swamps to deep ocean trenches.
Along the way, and with the help of clear, simple illustrations, it explains how life has adapted to the marine environment, revealing for example how a stonefish delivers its lethal venom and how a sponge sustains itself by sifting food from passing currents. It also examines the physical forces and processes that shape the oceans, from global circulation systems and tides to undersea volcanoes and tsunamis.
To most of us, the marine world is out of reach. But with the help of photography and the latest technology, The Science of the Ocean brings us up close to animals, plants, and other living things that inhabit a fantastic and almost incomprehensibly beautiful other dimension.