《夜行東京:Liam Wong攝影集》
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/264頁/開本19.0 x 24.2 cm
@作者:Liam Wong
Liam Wong鏡頭下的東京街頭夜色,濃烈的冷暖色調互相結合,時而突兀、時而超現實,宛如電子遊戲中的場景。
攝影開啟他遊戲設計以外的另一種創造力, 他不再擔心畫面是否真實,反而視之為一種表達自己的方式,在他刻意營造的世界中,一種充滿活力的紅色與冷調的藍色交織着,熱情而憂鬱,正如霓虹燈與雨中行人的對比一樣。
Liam以近乎遊戲場景的畫面,揭開東京入夜後的面紗,揭示東京人的內心世界;憑藉這種獨特的風格,他「Tokyo Nights」系列照片大受歡迎,作品被BBC、富比士等傳媒報導,其Instagram帳號擁有大量追隨者;而本書的內容,就是此一系列中的精選合輯!
Liam Wong is an award-winning art director, currently based in Japan. Graphic designer, game developer and photographer, he is best known for defining, designing and directing visual identities and was listed as one of Forbes magazine’s influential 30 under 30.
A testament to the art of colour composition, this book – art directed by Wong himself and produced to the highest printing standard – brings together a complete and refined body of images that are evocative, timeless and completely transporting. Rounding out the volume's special treatment is the first publication use of the 45/90 font, designed by Henrik Kubel, of London-based A2-TYPE.
The book also features a section that reveals the creative and technical process of Wong’s method, from identifying the right scene to making a good composition, from capturing the essence of a moment to enhancing colour values and deepening an image’s impact – insights that will be invaluable to admirers and photography enthusiasts alike.