David Hockney: Drawing From Life (大衛‧霍克尼:速寫人生),吉米康妮圖書

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David Hockney: Drawing From Life (大衛‧霍克尼:速寫人生)

TWD $1,647

TWD$ 1,300

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【David Hockney: Drawing From Life】



@英國National Portrait Gallery Publications原文書

@全彩精裝/208頁/大開本25.0 x 27.0 cm

@作者: Sarah Howgate , Isabel Seligman


大衛‧霍克尼是20世紀的藝術巨擘,他的一系列泳池畫作更無人能出其右,而世人對他的各種讚歎和追捧,能從最近倫敦蘇富比拍賣得知,他的泳池系列〈The Splash,就以超過9億元新台幣的天價成交──雖然並未超越2018年〈Portrait of an Artist:Pool with Two Figures〉在紐約佳士得拍賣時,高達9千多萬美元的落槌價。


霍克尼的這本新書,伴隨倫敦「國家肖像藝廊(National Portrait Gallery)」的同名展覽同步出版,內容依然側重於他此生的親密接觸,聚焦描繪他本人、他的家人、以及他的友人……


此外,書中還收錄霍克尼與策展人莎拉・豪格特(Sarah Howgate)談論他對畫家林布蘭(Rembrandt)的喜愛、為美國流行音樂家火星人布魯諾(Bruno Mars)畫肖像的過程、以及他對手機、攝影和臉書(FB)的看法……


This book, which accompanies the first major exhibition devoted to David Hockney's drawings in over 20 years, will explore Hockney as a draughtsman from the 1950s to now, with a focus on himself, his family and friends. From Ingres to the iPad -this book demonstrates the artist's ingenuity in portrait drawing with reference to both tradition and technology.

David Hockney is recognised as one of the master draughtsmen of our times and a champion of the medium. This book will feature Hockney's work from the 1950s to now and focus on his depictions of himself and a smaller group of sitters close to him: his muse, Celia Birtwell; his mother, Laura Hockney; and his friends, the curator, Gregory Evans, and master printer, Maurice Payne.

This book will examine not only how drawing is fundamental to Hockney's distinctive way of observing the world around him, but also how it has been a testing ground for ideas and modes of expression later played out in his paintings.

From Old Masters to modern masters, from Holbein to Picasso, Hockney's portrait drawings reveal his admiration for his artistic predecessors and his continuous stylistic experimentation throughout his career.

Alongside an in-depth essay from the curator, this book will feature an exclusive interview between author and curator, Sarah Howgate, and artist, David Hockney. In addition, an 'In Focus' essay by British Museum curator Isabel Seligman, will explore the relationship between Hockney, Ingres and Picasso drawings.






























David Hockney: Drawing From Life (大衛‧霍克尼:速寫人生)

TWD $1,647

TWD$ 1,300
