【Ways of Drawing: Artists' Perspectives and Practices】
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/272頁/大開本21.0 x 28.0 cm
@作者:Julian Bell, Julia Balchin, Claudia Tobin
本書呈現英國Royal Drawing Schoo的眾多藝術家和教師對於繪畫藝術的開創性見解及建議,並搭配該校重量級校友藝術家的作品,探索如何重新觀看這個世界……
Drawing is among the most profound ways of engaging with the world. It is absorbing, instinctive – a way not just of seeing, but of understanding what we see.
Ways of Drawing brings together a range of reflections and creative propositions by contemporary artists and teachers associated with the Royal Drawing School, generously illustrated with images by alumni of the School and the work of significant artists past and present. From explorations of artistic development to short, imaginative strategies for seeing the world afresh, it repositions this art form as a vital force in the contemporary world.
Advocating passionately for drawing as both deeply personal and utterly essential, this book is an invaluable companion for artists with all levels of experience looking for new inspirations for their practice.