【Abstract Art (Art Essentials)】
《Art Essentials 系列:抽象藝術》
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/176頁/開本13.8 x 21.6 cm
@作者:Stephanie Straine
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本書介紹抽象藝術從1900年代早期到現在的發展過程。抽象藝術發源自西方更早的藝術運動─包括立體主義和印象派─接著快速延燒至全世界,改變了垷代藝術與當代藝術的面貌。作者Stephanie Straine爬疏、整理抽象藝術的整體演進脈絡,不論是家喻戶曉的先鋒藝術家,或是鮮為人知的開創者。
世人常以為抽象藝術晦澀難解,但對於抽象藝術家而言卻具有最簡單的純粹元素。Straine探索70多位最富開創性的抽象藝術家作品,從瓦西里‧康丁斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)到艾瑪‧昆茨(Emma Kunz)和拉娜‧貝格(Rana Begum),並收錄史上抽象藝術關鍵展覽的時間軸、建議讀者進階閱讀的書目、以及藝術專用詞彚表。
This lively introduction tells the ever-evolving story of abstract art, tracing its history from the early 1900s right up to the present day. Emerging out of western movements such as Cubism and Expressionism, abstract art quickly became a global phenomenon, changing the face of modern and contemporary art. Stephanie Straine weaves accounts of well-known pioneers with fascinating insights into lesser-known ground-breakers from across the world.
Although abstraction in art is often associated with vagueness or the forbiddingly theoretical, for many artists the abstract represents pure simplicity. Straine’s vivid discussion demystifies the work of over seventy innovative artists – from Wassily Kandinsky to Emma Kunz and Rana Begum – and develops our appreciation of their conceptual approach. A reference section includes a timeline of key exhibitions of abstract art, suggestions for further reading and a glossary of art terms.
Contents List
Introduction • Multiple Beginnings • Constructing an Abstract Vocabulary • Abstract Expressionism and its Legacies • Global Geometries • Minimal, Conceptual and Process Art • Abstraction in the Digital Age