Art Essentials系列:全球藝術運動,吉米康妮圖書

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Art Essentials系列:全球藝術運動

TWD $715

TWD $560

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【Global Art (Art Essentials)】

《Art Essentials系列:全球藝術運動》


@英國Thames & Hudson原文書

@全彩平裝/176頁/開本13.8 x 21.6 cm

@作者:Jessica Lack

Art Essential系列其他書目 連結↓


作家Jessica Lack以本書介紹50個最具開創性的現代與當代藝術運動,這些藝術運動可能源自於政治活動、去殖民化理念、邊緣化、或是各種衝突,但目標都是藉由挑戰現況來重塑社會活力。


全球藝術運動(Global Art)不像普普藝術(Pop Art)、達達主義(Dada)或未來主義(Futurism)那麼廣為人知,但透過相關藝術家協會的努力─例如伊朗的Saqqakhaneh artists、墨西哥的Saqqakhaneh artists、日本的Jikken Kobo、美國的AfriCobra─全球藝術運動已經漸漸嶄露頭角。


Jessica Lack introduces fifty pioneering modern and contemporary art movements born out of political engagement, decolonization, marginalization or conflict. These movements have aimed to revitalize society by challenging the status quo. While not as well known as Pop Art, Dada and Futurism, these associations of artists – such as the Saqqakhaneh artists of Iran, the Stridentists of Mexico, Jikken Kobo of Japan or America’s AfriCobra – have empowered and given voice to their members.


Global Art brings unfamiliar material to life by exploring the unique historical context for each art movement, key cultural events and interconnections, and the key protagonists in the movement’s evolution.


Contents List


Introduction • Imperialism & Revolution: The Bengal School • Stridentism (Movimiento Estridentista) • Zenitism • Afrocubanismo • Art of the New Culture Movement • The Modern Woodcut Movement • Anthropophagia • Négritude Movement • Egyptian Surrealism • Calcutta Group • Asociación Arte Concreto-Invención and Arte Madi • PostWar & Independence: The European School • The Progressive Artists’ Group • Huroufiyah • The Khartoum School • Reportage Painting • Experimental Workshop (Jikken Kobo) • Saqqakhaneh Artists • The Zaria Rebels • Dakar School • Dissident Identities & Resistance: El Techo De La Ballena • New Tendencies Movement • Dvizenije Group • Spiral Aktual Art • Oho Movement • Mass Mediatic Art • Caribbean Artist Movement • Pan-Africanism • Mono-Ha • The Mural Movement • Identity & Transnationalism: The Aouchem Movement • Bikyoto • Africobra • The New Vision Group • Feminist Video • Moscow Conceptualists • Dansaekhwa • Laboratoire Agit’art • Fight Censorship Group • The Indonesian New Art Movement • The Pattern And Decoration Movement • The Politics of Art: Grupo Antillano • Colectivo De Acciones De Arte • Minjung Art Movement • British Black Arts Movement • 85 Art Movement • The Kerala Radicals • Useful Art Movement • Black Lives Matter











Art Essentials系列:全球藝術運動

TWD $715

TWD $560


