【Impressionism (Art Essentials)】
《Art Essentials系列:印象派》
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/176頁/開本13.8 x 21.6 cm
@作者:Ralph Skea
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印象派的新式觀念全然抗拒當時法國藝術界所奉行的主流藝術原則,前者使用大膽的顏色和快速的筆觸,他們在戶外作畫,試圖捕捉光影的瞬間感覺。本書作者Ralph Skea帶領讀者瞭解,印象派畫家如何提升日常生活主題的重要性,並追溯印象派在法國的起源、如何擴展至美國和澳大利亞,以及這種開創性的畫派如何從一開始的「驚世駭俗」,進而漸漸為人所接受,最後對於現代藝術產生了深遠的衝擊。
It is often forgotten just how provocative Impressionist canvases seemed when they were first exhibited in 1874. The advocates of the new style rejected the established principles of art prevalent at that time in France.
Daringly using colour and rapid brushstrokes, the Impressionists worked out of doors, creating paintings that captured the transient effects of light and feeling. Ralph Skea shows how Impressionist artists transformed everyday subject matter, and traces the movement from its origins in France to its spread to America and Australia.
Impressionism’s initial shock factor gradually gave way to widespread acceptance and popularity. Its profound impact on modern art cannot be overestimated.