【Surrealism (Art Essentials)】
《Art Essentials系列:超現實主義》
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/176頁/開本13.8 x 21.6 cm
@作者:Dr Amy Dempsey
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超現實主義是法國詩人安德烈‧布勒東(André Breton)在1924年所發起的文學與藝術改革,強調直覺和潛意識的藝術風格,對傳統藝術產生了巨大的影響。到了1966年布勒東過世之時,超現實主義成為20世紀最受歡迎的文學與藝術運動之一,這個名詞已然變成怪誕詭異風格的代表詞彚。
Surrealism was launched as a literary and artistic movement by French poet André Breton in 1924, and by the time of his death in 1966 had become one of the most popular art movements of the 20th century. Its very name has entered everyday usage as a synonym for bizarre. Taking the reader on a narrative journey through the history of Surrealism, this book is a digestible introduction to the movement’s key figures, their works and where to find them. Complete with a glossary of key terms and chronology, this addition to the Art Essentials series provides an indispensable resource for anyone interested in learning about this most influential of art phenomena.