【Near & Far Interiors I Love】
@美國Vendome Press原文書
@全彩精裝/304頁/大開本25.4 x 30.5 cm
@作者:By Lisa Fine, Photography by Miguel Flores-Vianna
作者Lisa Fine透過本書邀請讀者拜訪她位於達拉斯、紐約、巴黎的住家,也帶著我們前往讓她獲得偉大靈感的地方和人物,這其中她最鍾愛的包括:印度蒙兀兒帝國的宮殿與花園、18世紀瑞典博物學家卡爾‧林奈(Carl Linnaeus)的舊居、到以白色建築聞名的希臘帕特莫斯島(Patmos)會見室內設計師John Stefanidis、以田園風格著稱的倫敦設計師Penny Morrison……
In Near & Far, Lisa Fine invites us into her homes in Dallas, New York, and Paris and takes us along as she visits the places and people who have been her greatest sources of inspiration. Among her favored treasures are the Mughal palaces and gardens of India, the 18th-century home of Carl Linnaeus in Sweden; the whitewashed retreat of interior designer John Stefanidis on Patmos, the idyllic country house and garden of London-based designer Penny Morrison, and the storied house in the Tangier Casbah belonging to collectors Jamie Creel and Marco Scarani.
Evocatively photographed by Miguel Flores-Vianna and with a foreword by style editor Deborah Needleman, Near & Far not only provides a trove of design ideas, but also offers advice for anyone interested in giving full expression to their personal style.