【DK English for Everyone Practice Book Level 4 Advanced】
《人人學英語:進階Level 4練習本》
@超大版面19.6 x 23.9 cm
★「English for Everyone系列」是DK針對以英語作為外語的學習者,所開發出來的全面自學課程,具有生動活潑、引人入勝且易於遵循的風格,使英語學習變得更加簡單。
★透過DK English For Everyone網站 https://www.dkefe.com/en/ ,可以在電腦、手機或平板上(Android / iOS apps)配合免費線上音檔學習。
Practice Book: Level 4 Advanced will help you to solidify the skills you learn from the Course Book: Level 4 Advanced or from your other courses or studies. Strengthen your language for topics such as family life, business, and news and the media.
Grab your pen and work your way through the exercises as you cover each topic. Activities include filling in the blanks, true or false decision-making, matching the pairs, and much more. Audio material is provided at every stage through the English For Everyone website and Android/iOS apps to provide vital experience of spoken English and make even tricky phrases easy to understand.
English for Everyone is aligned to the CEFR, the international standard for language learning, and ideal for preparation for major English-language exams including IELTS, TOEIC, and TOEFL. Whether you want to improve your English for work, study, or travel, the Practice Book: Level 4 Advanced is your perfect learning companion.