【Tarantino: A Retrospective】
《昆汀‧塔倫提諾作品回顧 增修版》
@英國Thames & Hudson原文書
@全彩平裝/272頁/大開本24.8 x 29.2 cm
@作者:Tom Shone
昆汀‧塔倫提諾是最具影響力、風格最獨特的電影創作者之一,他的每一部作品幾乎都會成為影迷追捧的邪典電影(cult film)。
在本書中,作者Tome Shone針對塔倫提諾至今的10部電影作品進行深度剖析──從處女作《橫行霸道》(Reservoir Dogs),到最近的《從前,有個好萊塢》(Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)。另一方面,本書也介紹了塔倫提諾的早年生活、表演生涯、以及他無可置疑的編劇才華;本書涵蓋200張以上的電影劇照及幕後影像。
Quentin Tarantino is one of the most influential and distinctive filmmakers at work in the world today. His films are so admired that nearly every one he makes becomes an instant cult classic. Here, Tom Shone presents in-depth commentaries on each of the ten films Tarantino has directed, from Reservoir Dogs to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, as well as looking at his early life, acting career, and his indisputable talent for scriptwriting. Illustrated with more than two hundred film stills and behind-the-scenes images, Tarantino: A Retrospective is a fitting tribute to the great auteur’s unique talent.