Tim Walker: Shoot for the Moon (Tim Walker攝影集:奔向月亮),吉米康妮圖書

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Tim Walker: Shoot for the Moon (Tim Walker攝影集:奔向月亮)

TWD $4,675

TWD$ 3,480

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【Tim Walker: Shoot for the Moon】

《Tim Walker攝影集:奔向月亮》


@英國Thames & Hudson原文書

@全彩平裝附書衣/348頁/超大開本24.8 x 32.4 cm

@作者:Tim Walker


魔幻攝影大師Tim Walker擅長以超現實意象詮釋時尚流行,2020年9月起於倫敦V&A Museum舉辦個人特展《Tim Walker:Wonderful Things》,讓更多人瞭解他每一幅影像作品背後的豐富故事。


英國Thames & Hudson出版社同步推出這本Tim Walker的個人攝影集,讓無法親臨展覽的粉絲也能藉此收藏大師的經典之作。此外值得一提的是,《 Tim Walker:Shoot For the Moon 》的書名來源相當浪漫,取自Norman Vincent Peale的名言:「Shoot for the moon , even if you miss, you will land among the stars! 」


全書收錄Tim Walker歷年來的238張照片和4張膠片(acetate gel),作品大多為全新創作,也包含許多過去未曾發表的作品,例如為《Another Man》、《Vogue》、《Vanity Fair 》等時尚雜誌所創作的作品,以及許多名人,例如英倫超模凱特摩絲、凱特布蘭琪、仙氣女神”蒂妲”‧史雲頓(Katherine Matilda "Tilda" Swinton)、時尚設計師Marc Jacobs與英國藝術教父大衛霍克尼等人,完整呈現Tim Walker對於美學和藝術的奇特構思、以及無邊無際的想像力。


本書由三度榮獲「世界最美麗書籍」(The most beautiful book in the world)金獎得主、被譽為「書本女王」(The Queen of Books)的伊瑪.布(Irma Boom)操刀設計,並運用特殊的紫外線油墨與特殊紙質,將圖文書籍的影像與印刷水準推向更高層次。


Tim Walker’s previous monograph, Story Teller, introduced audiences to this unique photographer’s fantastical, magical worlds, conjured anew with each shoot. But every point must have its counterpoint, day its night, light its dark; creativity is no different. Shoot for the Moon, Walker’s much anticipated follow-up, draws audiences close to reveal fantasy’s other, darker side.


Delving deep into the art and mind of one of the most exciting and original fashion photographers working today, Shoot for the Moon showcases the gamut of Walker’s weird, wild Wonderlands. In images that demand to be read as art as much as fashion, his signature opulence and decadent eccentricity encroach ever further beyond the ‘real’, exploring the mysteries of imagination and inspiration, and where it is they come from. Dazzlingly designed to a lavish spec, with images featuring some of the biggest names in fashion and contemporary culture, and texts and commentary by a collection of noteworthy contributors as well as Walker himself, Shoot for the Moon is an unmissable addition to the lexicon of fashion photography.









































































Tim Walker: Shoot for the Moon (Tim Walker攝影集:奔向月亮)

TWD $4,675

TWD$ 3,480
