【Made in Japan Awe-inspiring graphics from Japan today】
@全彩軟精裝/296頁/開本17.5 x 23.0 cm
臺灣民眾到日本一定會好好採購一番,從藥妝、文具、小型商品,到各式家電,有著Made In Japan似乎就是品質保證。而本書收錄各種不同領域、不同功用的日製商品,對商品中的日本設計元素進行剖析──書籍的封面就是搶眼的日本國旗樣式,內容則涵蓋藝文表演的海報、草莓的包裝和文宣、用日式元素來仿效西洋畫家的影像、學校的文宣,到文具的設計………每一個產品都可以看到滿滿的巧思。
When a product is labelled as “Made in Japan”, it is often a promise of quality, and the consistent clarity, order and precision of Japanese designs definitely ensures that the reputation is not exaggerated. Known for their minimalist, clean lines, the iconic styles of Japanese designs are admired and imitated all over the world. Truly standing forefront in the establishment of a national design identity, it is the prime example of culture-meets-design, mixing history, traditional art and philosophy into contemporary designs.
With the spotlight on 40 local creatives behind all sorts of different projects in different fields, Made in Japan spans from brand identities to spatial design to illustrations and more, examining how variety is held together by the influence of a common culture.