【PALETTE mini Series 04: Neon- New fluorescent graphics】
《PALETTE mini系列04:螢光色調的設計》
@全彩平裝/672頁/開本10.6 x 14.8 cm
PALETTE mini系列請參考以下網址
承接早前3冊包括 Black & White,Multicolour,及 Gold & Silver,PALETTE mini 04: Neon 收集了一系列螢光色調的作品,展現設計師們如何靈活運用特別色或帶磷光性的油墨,配合好玩有趣的印刷技術,來突出他們的視覺創作。為了體現書的主題,我們特地以夜光技術製作本書的封面,並額外挑選6款螢光色作內頁印刷!
PALETTE — viction:ary’s best-selling colour-themed series — has been one of the most sought-after references for designers around the world. In keeping up with the needs of digital-savvy creative practitioners today, the PALETTE mini series was launched at the end of 2019. Each mini edition is a redesigned version of its original with flip-friendly postcard-sized pages for convenience and includes new work for fresh inspiration.
PALETTE mini 04: Neon comes after the first 3 titles (Black & White, Multicolour, Gold & Silver) with a dazzling collection of projects featuring clever uses of fluorescent hues. Showcasing spot colours, phosphorescent inks, and interesting printing techniques, this electrifying edition highlights the creative ways with which designers are setting visual culture aglow. It will also feature a glow-in-the-dark cover and 6 fluoro-ink printing for its pages.