【PALETTE mini Series 05: Pastel- New light-toned graphics】
《PALETTE mini系列05:粉彩色調的設計》
@全彩平裝/672頁/開本10.6 x 14.8 cm
本書是繼之前4冊包括 Black & White,Multicolour,Gold & Silver,及 Neon 以顏色為主題的設計參考書。無論是單色,多色,還是對比的混合,當中縝密體貼的設計方案和視覺實驗將啟發我們如何以溫柔和諧的粉彩色調來創作。
PALETTE — viction:ary’s best-selling colour-themed series — has been one of the most sought-after references for designers around the world. In keeping up with the needs of digital-savvy creative practitioners today, the PALETTE mini series was launched at the end of 2019. Each mini edition is a redesigned version of its original with flip-friendly postcard-sized pages for convenience and includes new work for fresh inspiration.
Following the first 4 titles under the series (Black & White, Multicolour, Gold & Silver, Neon), PALETTE mini 05: Pastel contains thoughtful design solutions and visual experiments that inspire with the variety of creative ways that the typically soft and soothing colour range can be featured – whether it is used as a single hue, a palette, or juxtaposed with contrasting tones.