【ZOOM – An Epic Journey through Squares】
@全彩硬頁書/32頁/開本18.0 x 21.0 cm
@作者:Editor: Vction-Viction / Illustrator: Alfonso Cirillo
★「Zoom 形狀系列」厚紙板洞洞書,每一頁都有挖空設計,在繽紛的內頁插圖中發現驚奇,帶著讀者觀察生活中大大小小的幾何形狀。
科學家 Sam 與他的小助手機器人 Zorb 準備要到外太空探險,從零件組裝、運送火箭、升空發射到太空漫遊,一連串充滿晶片、電線與精密儀器的操作過程,正規、四平八穩的方形就藏在各處細節裡。
The ZOOM series takes young readers on epic journeys that begin from the tiniest of details to the limits of the imagination through delightful illustrations filled with shapes. As they follow simple die cuts, every new page reveals a small twist to the story and a slightly expanded view of the world; hinting at how fun and full of possibilities new perspectives can be. Peppered with questions that promote interactivity, each ZOOM book is bound to make story time more interesting and playful for parents and children alike.